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Maybe it's Ermi

'She writes because she knows its forever'

Assalammua'laikum & Hello there! 


I'm in my early 20s and i've much to learn. Some say my life should turn into a novel but i beg to differ, it should be a 5 part season series that has multiple absurd characters. 

I like to share my thoughts and ideas in a simpler way. Just by words. Words that can be understood by all. 

My main goal here is to not feel alone. Sometimes even in a crowd you could feel alone so maybe whats happening to me is relatable to some of you out there. Problems, achievements, goals, and maybe just maybe i can help some along the way.

Fair warning, sometimes my jokes aren't funny because i'm easily amused.

Thank You for dropping by! 

Hope you come back soon! 



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